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Benzo Detox in Nashville, Tennessee

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Benzodiazepines can provide valuable benefits for many people when used short-term with a prescription. However, they can also trigger an addiction for some. When this happens, finding an effective benzo detox allows the person to enter recovery with the necessary support to help them leave addiction behind. Nashville Treatment Solutions offers access to the quality care necessary to lead people out of their reliance on addiction. We partner with detox programs to give you the first step to getting sober. From there, our outpatient programs teach people to gain control of their substance use disorder and put their lives back together.

You are not alone. You deserve to get help.

Nashville Treatment Solutions is an industry leader in addiction treatment. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we’re available 24/7.

Tour Our Benzo Detox Center in Nashville, TN

What are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepine drugs, often referred to as “benzos”, are prescription drugs often used to help people who need medical assistance to reduce their anxiety levels. The drugs are available in tablets, capsules, and liquid form. They are typically prescribed for use on a short-term basis for anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and medical conditions like seizures and muscular spasms. One reason people shouldn’t use benzodiazepines over long periods is because of the risk of developing an addiction. When this happens, it becomes necessary to attend a benzo detox program. 

How Addictive Are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepine prescriptions are written at a high rate every year. A study showed that approximately 30 million adults used benzos during the previous year. Of those, about 25 million used the drugs as prescribed while about 5 million reported misusing them. In recent years, visits to emergency rooms for overdose on benzodiazepines increased by 23.7%. As well, the number of overdose deaths related to both prescription use and illicit usage of benzos increased. Whether a person begins taking benzodiazepines as directed with a prescription or obtains and uses them illegally, addiction remains a real possibility. Either situation can be addressed by attending a quality benzo detox program. 

What is Benzo Detox?

Benzo detox is the first step in getting control of an addiction to benzodiazepines. It should take place in a facility with medical and psychological experts trained to help people with substance use disorders. Detox lasts about five to seven days on average and includes supervision to ensure the individual stays safe. A combination of therapies, medications, and supervision from a trained staff helps the person get through the important first days without abusing benzos. This sets them up to transition to the next phase of treatment.

Benzo Addiction Symptoms

When someone becomes addicted to benzos, they will demonstrate definite signs. Common ones for the individual or their loved ones to look out for include the following:

  • Withdrawal symptoms when not using benzos
  • Developing a tolerance and having to increase the amount taken
  • Lethargy
  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Blurry vision
  • Trying to stop using benzos but being unsuccessful
  • Needing benzos just to get through the day
  • Doctor shopping (seeing more than one physician to get multiple prescriptions)
  • Moodiness
  • Using benzos without a prescription

Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms

Someone who has entered the withdrawal symptoms phase of benzo detox can expect to feel both physical and psychological results. The most common physical withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Cravings for benzos
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Muscular pain
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Weakness
  • Changes in appetite and weight

Common psychological withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and moodiness.

How Does Benzo Detox in Nashville Work?

We provide a connection to a world-class detox program near us for those ready to begin detox. Detoxification is the first step to getting sober. Benzo detox typically lasts five to seven days and will include medical supervision to keep the person safe. This means medical staff members will monitor the individual for signs of medical distress and withdrawal symptoms. They can provide medications and psychological support to keep the person from suffering needlessly. Different types of therapy also help them learn to live without using benzos and prepare to transition to an outpatient program to continue their healing journey.

Assessment and Evaluation

The first step when someone goes to benzo detox is receiving an assessment. The admissions staff conducts a thorough investigation to determine the physical and mental health conditions and needs of each person. This allows them to design a treatment plan that addresses the individual’s specific needs and sets them up for success. This evaluation informs the treatment team about which types of therapy will best serve the person’s needs.

Detox + Withdrawal

The benzo detox withdrawal timeline that occurs depends on a few factors. These include the length and severity of the person’s addiction and which benzos they take. A common guideline for withdrawal is as follows:

Day 1-2: Withdrawal symptoms typically start within a few hours of taking the last benzo dosage. Common ones includes headache, nausea, insomnia, and anxiety.

Day 3-5: Existing symptoms become worse and newer ones develop. Common ones include vomiting, sweating, flu-like symptoms, and moodiness.  

Day 6-8: At this point, most of the symptoms begin to decrease or stop altogether. The ones that linger longer tend to be emotional ones like anxiety and the craving to use benzos again.

Aftercare + Support

Before a person completes their formal treatment program for benzo addiction, a plan should be created to help them once their care concludes. Aftercare and support recommendations help the person continue to stay substance-free. Aftercare can include continuing individual or group therapy, attending support groups, and using Alumni programs that some facilities offer.

Find a Quality Benzo Detox Program in Nashville

Have you lost control of your use of benzodiazepines and need help that provides expert care from compassionate professionals? Nashville Treatment Solutions knows how vital it is that you attend a first-class benzo detox program. We partner with programs that help get you through the first days of no longer using benzodiazepines with the help of medical and psychological assistance. From there you transition easily into our outpatient programs and continue your journey to living a substance-free life. 

For more information about how our programs can restore your physical and mental health, contact us now. It’s your time to get excited about life again.