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7 Signs You May Be A High-Functioning Alcoholic

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Alcoholism doesn’t always look like what many imagine. Not everyone struggling with alcohol is easily identified by clear signs of addiction, such as losing their job, constantly drinking, or having major legal issues. Some people manage to maintain their responsibilities and outward appearance while still having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

This is often referred to as being a “high-functioning alcoholic.” It’s crucial to recognize the signs, as functioning alcoholics are still at risk of serious health and personal consequences.

Nashville Treatment Solutions offers premier alcohol rehab in Nashville, Tennessee.

What is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

A high-functioning alcoholic is someone who, despite regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol, manages to maintain a facade of normalcy in their life.

They often hold down jobs, maintain relationships, and keep up with daily responsibilities, which can make it harder for them or others to recognize the depth of their problem. However, this functionality doesn’t mean that the effects of alcoholism are any less damaging.

Over time, the hidden consequences of alcohol abuse may begin to manifest, impacting both physical and mental health.

7 Signs You May Be A Functioning Alcoholic

Drinking to Cope

One of the clearest signs of a functioning alcoholic is using alcohol as a means to deal with stress, anxiety, or emotions. If you find yourself reaching for a drink to “take the edge off” or to numb difficult feelings on a regular basis, this may indicate a problem.

High Tolerance to Alcohol

Functioning alcoholics often develop a high tolerance, meaning they need to drink more than others to achieve the same effect. If you notice that it takes several drinks to feel “buzzed” or relaxed, it could be a sign that your body is becoming accustomed to frequent alcohol consumption.

Changes in Personality When Drunk

While a functioning alcoholic may appear composed and responsible while sober, alcohol can cause noticeable shifts in their behavior. This may include becoming overly emotional, aggressive, or uninhibited when under the influence. These personality changes can strain relationships and lead to embarrassing or harmful situations.

Neglect of Responsibilities

Despite maintaining a functional appearance, a functioning alcoholic may start neglecting important responsibilities. This might manifest as showing up late to work, skipping social or family obligations, or not keeping up with household chores. As alcohol consumption increases, priorities can shift away from important areas of life.


Many functioning alcoholics begin to isolate themselves as their drinking habits progress. They may avoid social situations where alcohol is not available or feel embarrassed about the amount they drink. This isolation can lead to loneliness and further dependence on alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Experiencing Memory Lapses

Regularly experiencing blackouts or gaps in memory after drinking is a serious warning sign. Even if you seem to function normally, if you cannot remember events from the night before, it’s a sign that alcohol is impacting your brain and body in harmful ways.

Withdrawal Symptoms

If you start experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms like shakiness, sweating, nausea, or anxiety when not drinking, it may indicate that your body has become dependent on alcohol. These symptoms can drive you to continue drinking just to feel “normal,” trapping you in a dangerous cycle.

Decline in Work or School Performance

While high-functioning alcoholics may excel at hiding their drinking from others, it often starts to affect work or academic performance over time. Missing deadlines, forgetting important tasks, or having difficulty concentrating are common signs that alcohol use is interfering with professional or academic life.

Getting Help for High-Functioning Alcoholism

If you or a loved one displays signs of high-functioning alcoholism, it’s important to recognize that help is available. Many people resist seeking treatment because they believe their lives are still “manageable,” but continuing down this path can lead to severe consequences.

Professional alcohol detox and inpatient rehab offer a structured and supportive environment to help you address your alcohol use and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Begin Alcohol Rehab in Nashville, Tennessee Today

At Nashville Treatment Solutions, we provide comprehensive care for individuals struggling with high-functioning alcoholism. Our programs are designed to help you regain control of your life, whether through detox, inpatient care, or outpatient support. If you believe you may be a functioning alcoholic, don’t wait— call us now at 615-234-9425 or verify your insurance now.