What Is High-Functioning Depression?

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Many people believe the myth that depression consists of feeling so sad all the time that you can’t do anything except lie in bed or cry. Unfortunately, due to the way certain media and outdated beliefs perpetuate this myth, it can be easy to overlook the signs of depression in yourself or a loved one—especially if you’re dealing with high-functioning depression. However, people experiencing high-functioning depression are not necessarily debilitated by the condition but suffer. Fortunately, anyone suffering from depression can experience the benefits of depression treatment in Tennessee.

At Nashville Treatment Solutions, we have extensive experience treating depression. We create customized treatment programs based on each individual’s history, needs, other symptoms such as substance use disorders, and goals. Contact us at 866.714.5630 if you or a loved one struggles with high-functioning depression.

What Is High-Functioning Depression and Why Does Depression Type Matter?

Depression is a complex condition, and there are several types of depression. This is important to understand because different types of depression present differently and require various interventions and treatments. When it comes to high-functioning depression, a person experiences the less debilitating symptoms of depression and can often successfully mask low self-esteem, fatigue, hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating by exhibiting standard functionality in social situations.

High-functioning depression is a recognized mental health condition that can be diagnosed by a mental health professional. Signs of high-functioning depression include:

  • Shifts in appetite, under or overeating
  • Bouts of insomnia or oversleeping
  • Persistent lack of energy or fatigue
  • Low self-esteem
  • Intense self-criticism
  • Struggles with concentration and decision-making
  • Constant feelings of hopelessness or lingering sadness
  • Normal activities seem to require monumental effort most of the time
  • Socializing feels forced and unenjoyable
  • Unintentional weight loss or weight gain

Recognizing high-functioning depression is incredibly challenging because the symptoms hide behind regular functionality, making it easy to deny their presence. Yet, getting help is vital because treatment can make life easier and more enjoyable and prevent more severe instances of depression.

High-functioning depression can be as dangerous as any other form of depression if left untreated. In addition, anyone experiencing high-functioning depression is at risk for more severe major depressive episodes. Fortunately, high-functioning depression is highly treatable.

Understanding the Different Types of Depression

Not all depression is the same. Along with varying expressions from person to person, there are several distinct types of depression. Even the varieties that present less severely, such as high-functioning depression, can prove fatal if left untreated. Some of the most common types of depression are:

  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – Symptoms are triggered by the waning light during fall and winter and often disappear in spring or summer
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) – Depressive symptoms align with the menstrual cycle
  • Psychotic depression – Includes hallucinations or delusions
  • Major depressive disorder (MDD) – commonly referred to as clinical depression, symptoms are highly debilitating
  • Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) – The official name for high-functioning depression
  • Perinatal depression – Also known as postpartum, wherein depressive symptoms occur during and after pregnancy
  • Bipolar depression – Part of bipolar disorder where manic highs are contrasted by depressive symptoms proportional to the highs

Depression is not a one size fits all mental illness. Each type of depression has symptoms and often requires different treatment methods. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, it’s important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can conduct a full assessment and provide an accurate diagnosis, which is the first step in finding the most effective treatment.

Signs that it Might be Time to Get Treatment for Depression

Without treatment, depressive symptoms will only worsen and can even become fatal. In addition, since it is a chronic condition, depression can return after periods of feeling well. However, depression is a very treatable condition, and it’s possible to live a complete and balanced life with some support and planning.

If you or a loved one exhibits signs of high-functioning or more intense depression, it’s time to get help. Finding timely treatment can prevent the condition from progressing to a dangerous level. There are numerous approaches and methods for treating depression, and it may take some experimentation to find the combination of therapies that works best for you.

Get Help from the Depths of Depression with Nashville Treatment Solutions

At Nashville Treatment Solutions, you are not alone. We believe in the power of nonjudgement and community to create the stable foundation that necessitates healing. While everyone’s story is unique, most people suffering from depression share everyday experiences and feelings. We employ evidence-based treatments to attend to and alleviate the core causes of depression, enabling you to live a complete and balanced life. Contact us at 866.714.5630 to get free from depression.